Michelle Toh

Good. I did a more dynamic warm- up as the weather was extra cold and started with deep breathing and stretching – arms, neck, du ammo chest twists, fingers, wrists, hand circles. Than we moved on to the waist, lower back, hip circles, knee rolls, etc. Finally we went to the wall and did leg and hip swings, a few balancing raising toes up and down and warming up the feet etc. Angel led the rest of class – cat/ cow variations, rabbit, triangle pose with a few variations, shoulder opening with blocks, chair pose against the wall ( with and without blacks), hip opening with spider against the wall, malasana twists and finally fish pose with blocks. Hazel at the end went through some points on adding some more deep stretches in between the “challenging” poses of malasana twists and clearer steps and placement of hands/ elbows in the shoulder opening pose. Also fish pose – to slowly move into pose and use 2 blocks to start. Students still tried all poses and were very happy to be able to continue today’s class even though it was a public holiday. Thank you volunteers! Great class and energy as always!