Keith Watson

Hatha flow style class – good focus on muscle and joint releasing postures to start and then strong flow in main body of class and hip and back releasing postures to finish. Students were very focused and engaged through class … Continued

Flora Yu

Today’s class focused more on finding inner balance and developing consciousness. The class began with breathing and observing body sensation, followed by gentle stretching. Then learnt to find balance in standing poses with variations. Students found it fun and excited … Continued

Venus Tam

The students are making their good efforts to do some poses even feels hard, very nice engaging after finished the class.☺️

Victoria Ha Yeon Ahn

Just taught one student who came a bit later than everyone else. Found that she was feeling quite stiff. We worked on some stretches and I encouraged her to continue to practice some at home to develop her flexibility and … Continued


Great Class. Yoga has the power to calm the mind and strengthen the body. Thank you for teaching us.

Carla Bangcaya

The lesson teaches us to be more focus on the breathe and let go of the flow. Thank you AYC. God bless you and see you next class. Namaste.