Keith Watson

Hatha class – students very focussed despite T3 conditions providing challenges to balance and standing postures. Focused a bit on hip opening and quad and hip strength poses and some twists.

Ceris Wong

Today’s class was a gentle morning flow where students were guided through various asanas including warrior variations and different hamstring stretches. It was a delightful and grateful practice where students gave highly positive feedback after the class saying that they … Continued

Ceris Wong

Today’s class was a post-typhoon windy morning flow with emphasis on body stretches and alignment. Students were very energetic and participated fully as they practiced through the flow.


This is my first class teaching in Youth outreach, from the first day of the observing, til now I can see they improve a lot and really enjoy in yoga. They really try hard to go into it. I learn … Continued

Intan Rastini Ambara

I can follow the breathe technique smoothly and follow the guidance from the teacher. However, I feel one of my leg numb easily, teacher suggested I can sit on the block or release my legs sometimes. Thank you so much.

Vienna Mak

Tailored with asanas focusing on balance poses to improve coordination and concentrations, mild back bending for upper chest opening and hence to more deep and smooth breathing. Then followed by pranayama techniques which is not only to improve the breathing … Continued