Wai Kwan Flora Yu

The class was great! Many happy faces. Some of them couldnโ€™t follow at the beginning but can see them putting effort in practising ๐Ÿ™‚

Bowling Lai

Students feel a bit challenge in some posture and happy for that to bring new experience to the body ๐Ÿ˜€

Anna Pakula Ranchet

Class started with some gentle warm up for the neck and shoulders, lateral stretches and hips rotation. Class continued with gluteus muscle stretches with back on the wall, some hip opening stretches like frog pose variations with some shoulder opening … Continued

Fiona Yun

Happy to see some new students, and they were trying their best effort for all poses and did very well! Thank you AYC.

Heidi Wu

Happy to help in this project. We learn how to teach and assist in the class. Thank you all teachers share their unconditional love to students and us.

Lea L Velasco

Great Class! Thank you teachers for teach us every week. I join AYC yoga class twice a week, it helps me to work-life balance.