Angel Wong
Nice twisting postures to release the lower back, stretching the upper back and opening the chest and ribs.
Nice twisting postures to release the lower back, stretching the upper back and opening the chest and ribs.
Very enthusiastic students – covered full range of body stretch and strength postures
Today class is great, a lot of pressure on my daily work and yoga brings me peaceful mind. Thank you AYC
Thank you for today’s practice pranayama and meditation. It was so relaxing after class. namaste 🙏
Amazing Class. AYC given the chance to us for practicing yoga and I will keep coming. Thank you.
Today we started with different warm up poses, it was really good . The students felt a bit challenging to do the triangle posture but they all enjoyed it.
It was a good practice focusing on shoulders and hips. Happy to see everyone today. 😊🙏
Full of energy. Elderly try their best effort in the class. Taking up little challenge and they enjoyed and motivated. 🥰
Tha class started with a gentle warm up for hands and arms, followed by lateral stretching, stretching of calves and twisting. Class continued with more twisting poses, one leg cat pose which was a bit of a challenge. Followed by … Continued