Teresa Sun

We did more shoulder/chest/ back opening today because of sore mussels related to bad postures. It went well as the students are very experienced and we slowly eased into the final boat/camel poses

Silvia Galvan

It was my first time to WEDNSDAY class and the approach is completely different. More focused in connection body amd mind, more yin asanas and meditation. Very interesting and students look very relax at the end of the class

Silvia Galvan

It would be better taking turn to assist. I would like also saying that I do love being at those classes but if students prefer Chinese lessons no problem for me to step down and leave others volunteers to teach. … Continued

Ceris Wong

I had a group of highly motivated and cheerful students who were really passionate in trying different new poses. We’ve had a rather energetic flow and it is always glad to receive positive feedback from my students saying that they … Continued

Anna Pakula Ranchet

The class starting with a total body warm up with kapalabhati breathing, which was new to the ladies, they enjoyed this effort. Class continued with some extra stretching for arms and upper body and some strengthening poses like reversed table … Continued

Carol Leung

i enjoy teaching this class so much! Participants followed the instructions well and able to concentrate on their own breathe to relax the mind and body.