Fang Wei

3 of 5 students today are very beginners and 1 practice regularly. So today’s class I offered different variations for them to adapt. I appreciate the opportunity to teach them on a beautiful autumn day. Teaching is the best way … Continued

Vicky Cheng

The weather was amazing! Everyone enjoyed the breeze and more willing to do exercises that they felt hard before . I did mainly back care and core exercises today, the time management was better and the sequence was more smooth. … Continued

Maria fe T.Fortit

Happy Saturday Yogi Practice.Thank you so Much Master 😊💐.For your Time. Very enjoyable practice😍 Be Happy.and Think Positive.❤ Namaste🙏


learning new poses is so much fun. I am truly fall in love with Yoga, thank you AYC

Patsy Cheung

The 4th class for QE yoga therapy class, already seeing the progress of the patients. They are more confident with their mind & body, always smiling face, enjoy every class a lot.