Eraine Poon

I love teaching in pier 10. Students were so attentive and passion.They love yoga because their work is so stressful.

Silvia Galvan

I haven’t asked students’ comment at the end…. I will do next time :). Lesson was with some challenges which students enjoyed and they looked to have appreciated their own efforts. Most of them they are regulars so I think … Continued

Candy Sri Ismiati

Thank you so much sir Chennen and Miss Felix🙏🏽. I fall in love with yoga after I met AYC and such amazing teacher teams. Namaste

Lily Lam

The students look happy, perfect weather for outdoor yoga. sunny with strong sea breeze. The pace of the class is slower compared to normal studio classes.

Edith Bernard

Great class. Started off very nicely with a short meditation led by Silvia. Later Patty taught a good mix of stretching and strengthening poses using blocks and the wall. Good energy as always and students are so kind and motivated!

Edna Solidad

Today’s class is great and fun! Teachers always know what we need, I felt so energetic right after an hour class. Namaste!