Keith Watson
Hatha class in good conditions, students gave great effort and focus despite lots of noise from other activities on the pier!
Hatha class in good conditions, students gave great effort and focus despite lots of noise from other activities on the pier!
Class led by Master Yogananth including pranayama and full range forward and back bending , lateral and twisting postures focused on mobility and strength.
The class is so wonderful and relaxing.the student also great following the teacher. The teacher assistant also help to encourage the students. Thank you miss Jenny, Miss Natalie and thank you AYC
The staff not allow us to take photos during the class. Unfortunately not be able to provided any photos taking from us.
Most of the students in the class today has been attended few classes before. Maybe only 1 or 2 was a new experience to yoga. Teacher teaching was well presented and fun.
Heavy rain yet great practice. Focused on hips and chest opening for better mobility.
Today’s class starts with seated meditation and breathing exercise, followed by a sequence of sun salutations and postures. Filled with energy!
Today’s class was a good mixture of breathing exercise, power yoga and deep stretching. We learnt to observe our bodies and tried different ways to get into a pose. Happy class with positive vibes as always.
Thorough exercise with light challenge for more motivation. Thanks to master Yogananth and a great team of experienced volunteer teachers. 😊
Thank you AYC for organising class. I am so happy that I can have regular practice every week.