Law Stella

Today’s class commences with eye yoga exercises, helps reduce eye strain, builds focus and facilitate normal eye functioning. Followed by Chair yoga poses have full body stretch.

Law Stella

We keep going on Pavanamuktsaana series, release all joints tension from toes to neck. Starting and ending with breathing awareness. They love this practice, and especially the knees and hips feel relieved.

Patsy Cheung

First time teaching this group, already love them a lot. We start with chair yoga today, from sitting down to standing posture with chair. Finishing up with pranayama & meditation, happy class.

Patsy Cheung

Master Vishnu always focuses on flexibility & strengthening posture, students are getting used to the sequence and improving so much.

Jenny Chan

Today’s practice focused on lower limbs strengthening and stretching. Everyone is getting more powerful and flexible. The balancing poses allow us to find concentration and peace. Thank you AYC for bringing us together every week to share the benefits of … Continued

Chung Ling Anna Chui

Whole body stretching, several strengthening pose for wellness and breathing exercises were conducted. Glad that the participants keep on doing yoga.

Keith Watson

Amber rain signal was hoisted a few hours before class and weather was very bad. Limited space on pier available due to water and groups seeking shelter in the pier. Students who attended have great energy and focus to their … Continued