Gigi Leung

The students are so open-minded. They love the class so much. I am happy to help them and feel blessed to receive so much positive feedback after class.

Fiona Yun

The class went well with slower and calming pace. Some new QE patients attended yoga class for the first time needed more assistance. Thank you Master Vishnu and volunteers!

Cynthia Chan

The two ladies enjoyed the session with the focus on chest opening, even the already very flexible one appreciates the poses along with the counter poses stretching the shoulder blades

Keith Watson

Trying conditions for students with heavy rain half way into class – but all remained very focused on their practice and managed well to end of class. Hatha style class, adjusted toward end to ensure student safety in wet conditions. … Continued

Keith Watson

Very hot and humid day – students did very week and stayed focused. Hatha flow style class with Pranayama for cooling.

Keith Watson

Master Vishnu lead class focussing on muscle & joint strengthening and relaxing , targeting various pain issues. Class began and ended with seated breathing exercises.