Fiona Yun
It was great to hear from a patient who had knee surgery some time ago that she felt less pain in her knees and the sound from the knees improved. She’s amazed that was only her 4th yoga therapy class.
It was great to hear from a patient who had knee surgery some time ago that she felt less pain in her knees and the sound from the knees improved. She’s amazed that was only her 4th yoga therapy class.
Master Vishnu lead a class covering postures for stimulating circulation across the body, stimulating pulse points on the neck and energy points on the face and head. Postures covered strength and stretch across the body, particular focus on hips, legs … Continued
It was so good! Thank you Master Keith!Stress release.
I share yoga benefits with my 2 good friends. So happy they can experience and the class with AYC.
It was really good to see everyone. Yoga make us strong, improves focus, balance and stability.
Full flow of body stretching which I need most after 6 days work.Thank you AYC
Students gave their effort, in stretching and holding the boat pose.
Thanks to Master Yogananth always recaps the exercise did in class at the end of class. Encouraging and hoping patients to practice at home. It helps with their pain issues.
All did well with consistent progress!
The students enjoyed the class and feel relaxed after the class. Grateful to see their progress.