Vienna Mak

Feedback from Organization 我哋見到家長反應好正面,而且你哋嘅出現,亦都幫助我地及早介入一些有需要家長,今期當中都有抑鬱症媽媽,見到佢越來越有精神同力量!真係好鼓舞的! 一位抑鬱,上了兩期同時配合藥物,情緒明顯穩定左,社區參與都大左! 還有一位焦慮症的,這段期間有發作,也有些狀況,早前見到她仍堅持上堂,她來到也不容易! 有你們長期穩定的幫忙實在吸引到她們,見到佢哋身心越來越好,有媽媽同期再配合飲食同運動,減左好多磅!

Vienna Mak

Feedback from Caritas Jockey Club Integrated Service for Young People (Tak Tin)多謝你的幫忙呀!!你既鼓勵同提醒好好呀👍👍😃佢哋都覺察多左自己身體需要,覺得要照顧下自己!有媽媽頭先分享明顯進步了,原來開始有屋企做下,妳地既幫忙推動到佢哋身心𩆜健康😃😃🙏🏻

Law Stella

The class incorporates balance and strength exercises, as well as cardio, strength training, and stretching for better flexibility and health for seniors.

Heidi Wu

Hazel taught strengthening and stretching twisting poses for upper and lower part of body. Students felt very excited when practiced partners poses.

Law Stella

Seniors enjoyed the class very much and It all because they can see their improvement. We were so grateful to see they become more strong.


Thank you teacher Victoria. The best way to relax my body and body is doing yoga.Namaste 🙏