Yoga for the Homeless with ImpactHK

Last Updated: 23 October 2024

Status: on going

About this project:

ImpactHK builds relationships with the HK homeless community through kindness walks where they hand out food and clothes and provide support like counselling services or accommodation down the line to help them get back into society. To do so they sign a contract requiring them to commit to a job and attend mentor sessions. For more details about IMPACTHK please visit

We at Andiappan Yoga Community (AYC), a registered NGO, actively seek out new organizations and groups to cooperate with where we can bring yoga to those who need it most.

ImpactHK is a registered NGO supporting the homeless with kindness and empowering them for change. It all began with an ambition of doing one kind act per month for the homeless and has now grown into over 40 kindness walks being hosted each month all over Hong Kong where volunteers connect with the homeless, building trust and developing friendships, opening doors to housing, job creation, sports, counseling mentorship and nutrition programmes to give them a real second chance in life.

ImpactHK understand the importance of providing beneficiaries with as many opportunities to connect and find happiness as possible. Its new sports and counselling centre, Place2Be, is a fun space where Community Helpers and homeless friends can get involved in healthy activities, have fun and see counsellors.

With intentions to support the physical and mental wellbeing of individuals ImpactHK are helping, AYC would like to extend free yoga classes to regular visitors of the Place2Be. 

For more information about this class and if you are willing to offer a venue please email to

For students: Ready to sign up for yoga classes?

This class will be organised and coordinated with ImpactHK. Please contact ImpactHK if you or anyone interested in attending the class. 本課程由ImpactHK舉辦及統籌安排。如有興趣參加課程,請聯絡ImpactHK

For volunteers: Interested in volunteering for this project?

Learn more about how to Get Involved as an AYC Volunteer and apply for this project.

The Volunteers of AYC will teach this class for free. For teaching volunteers who request transportation reimbursement, AYC will provide the reimbursement from this fund.



地點:九龍大角咀 100 號洋松街德讚中心 3 樓 3F 室

ImpactHK 透過為無家者分發食物衣服提供諮詢服務或住宿支援,以幫助他們與社區建立關係,重返社會。ImpactHK無家者簽署協議書,要求他們承諾尋找工作及參加輔導課程。請到ImpactHK 網頁 查看更多有關ImpactHK 的詳細資料

Andiappan Yoga Community(AYC)是已註冊之非政府組織,積極尋找新的合作伙伴,將瑜伽帶給有需要的人。

目前,AYC正定期舉辦瑜伽課程予癌症康復者海外傭工老年人大學生醫院康復中心患者和低收入家庭人士。我們希望得到您的支持,以為ImpactHK 作出支援。 ImpactHK是一個註冊的非政府組織,致力為無家者改善生活。由”月行一善”開始,現已發展為每月在全港舉辦四十多項慈善活動,讓義工們與無家者緊密聯繫,建立信任和發展友誼。ImpactHK 更為無家者打開住房大門創造就業機會提供體育活動諮詢指導和營養計劃,為他們提供真正的「翻身」機會。




義工導師資格:已完成最少200小時香港國際瑜伽學院瑜伽教師培訓課程之 AYC 義工均可申請參與。

感激你的熱誠和參與實踐 AYC 的使命分享瑜伽的恩澤。

  1. 登入AYC網站(;
  2. 點擊「My Profile」,然後選擇「Ongoing Projects」;
  3. 找到「Yoga for Homeless in Hong Kong,無家者瑜伽班」,然後選擇「I would like to apply」;
  4. 開始教授瑜伽或協助教學之前,請等候職員將您加入相關Whatsapp群組。