Project Status: Completed
Last Updated: 15 September 2022
About this Project:
The First International Day of Yoga was celebrated all over the world on 21 June 2015
The United Nations proclaimed 21 June as the International Day of Yoga. Recognizing its universal appeal, on 11 December 2014, the United Nations proclaimed 21 June as International Yoga Day by resolution 69/131.
International Yoga Day aims to raise awareness worldwide of the many benefits of practicing yoga.

Sun Yat Sen Memorial Park, Hong Kong
This event was organised by the Indian Consulate General in Hong Kong. All yoga studios in Hong Kong supported this mass event with over 1,500 participants. Special guests included the Honourable Paul Chan, Secretary for Development, Guruji Dr Asana Andiappan, and Consul Generals of Bhutan, Iran, Nepal, the Philippines, South Africa and Spain.
Anahata Yoga Studio, Hong Kong
Anahata Yoga Hong Kong celebrated IYD with the theme to raise awareness about the benefits of yoga amongst the Hong Kong community. This event also honoured the volunteer leaders and volunteers who have been actively teaching in the Andiappan Yoga Community for over a year.
Asana Andiappan College of Yoga and Research Centre, India
IYD was celebrated by various volunteers of Andiappan Yoga Community in India. Free yoga classes for seniors and yoga awareness lecture and demonstrations were conducted at Orchid Springs Residences and Sastha Engennering College at Semparrampakkam, Chennai.