Online Yoga class for ALL

Project status: Ongoing

Last Updated: 11 September 2024

About the Project:

Andiappan Yoga Community’s online yoga classes are arranged to support the students to continue their practice in times of social distancing measures. A therapeutic sequence of gentle yoga poses combined with breathing techniques will be taught in this class that can help destress and detox. Remember to login to Zoom or Google Meet 10 mins before the class. Please register with your login name same as AYC website and do not share the meeting ID with others.


Please note the schedule for all the classes are in Hong Kong Time = GMT+ 8

  • Every Monday – 12.45 – 1.45 pm
    Back Care Yoga with Dr. Yogananth Andiappan
  • Every Saturday – 5 – 6 pm
    Yoga Therapy – with Anahata Yoga Master
  • Every Sunday – 6.15 – 7.15 pm
    Restorative Yoga – with Anahata Yoga Master

Who are the students in this project?

Our financially accessible classes are open to students who face a financial barrier to learning yoga, with monthly incomes below HK$5,000.

For more information, please join our Facebook page at:

For students: Ready to sign up for yoga classes?

Fill up the enrolment form and select this project from the drop-down menu.
You will receive a confirmation email with login details to your AYC account.
Please install the AYC app (Google PlayApp Store) and use the login details to sign in and mark your attendance.

For volunteers: Interested in volunteering for this project?

Learn more about how to Get Involved as an AYC Volunteer and apply for this project.


ANDIAPPAN瑜伽社區(ANDIAPPAN YOGA COMMUNITY,AYC)特別安排了網上瑜伽課程,以支援那些定期參與我們社區瑜伽課堂的學生。在這段艱難的時期,保持健康尤為重要。AYC已準備網上課程,讓您繼續練習瑜伽,保持身心健康。課堂上會教授有療愈效果的柔和瑜伽動作,並結合呼吸技巧,幫助您減壓和排毒。


逢星期一 – 下午12時45分至1時45分
背部護理瑜伽 – Dr Yogananth Andiappan
逢星期六 – 下午5時至6時
瑜伽治療 – Anahata Yoga 瑜伽大師
逢星期日 – 下午6時15分至7時15分
恢復性瑜伽 – Anahata Yoga 瑜伽大師

所有課堂皆以香港時間 = GMT+8 為準

參加資格:瑜伽課是為有財務困難者, 有焦慮、抑鬱或其他受社交距離措施影響的人士,提供生理和心理上的支援

  1. 有興趣參與此網上課程的學生:請完成以下步驟。
  2. 瀏覽網站;
  3. 於「Student Enrollment Form」選擇 Project 「Online Yoga class for ALL」
  4. 填妥表格所需資料,按「Enroll」提交申請後會收到課堂資料的電郵;
  5. 請於 Apple App Store 或Google Play Store 下載 Yogacommunity 應用程式,然後輸入以上電郵中的登入資料。
  6. 我們將會每星期透過AYC app 更新免費瑜伽課的鏈接。
  7. 記得在課堂開始前10分鐘登入Zoom或 Google Meet, 以您在 AYC 網站登記的名稱登入,請不要和他人分享會議ID。

有興趣申請為此計劃義教之AYC義工:已完成香港INTERNATIONAL YOGA ACADEMY瑜伽教師培訓之ANDIAPPAN YOGA COMMUNITY義工可以申請為此計劃義教。一起分享瑜伽的恩賜,亦幫助我們實現AYC的使命。我們十分感激您的熱誠和幫助。申請為此計劃義教前,請確保您每星期一至五均有時間,並習慣在鏡頭前教授瑜伽。課堂將按老師的時間輪流安排老師,亦給予學生多元的學習體驗。