Yoga Therapy Class for Breast Cancer Patients & Survivors with Global Chinese Breast Cancer Organizations Alliance (GCBC)

Project status: Ongoing 

Last updated: 28 December 2024

About this Project:

According to the World Health Organization in 2020, there were 2.3 million women diagnosed with breast cancer and 685 000 deaths globally. As of the end of 2020, there were 7.8 million women alive who were diagnosed with breast cancer in the past 5 years, making it the world’s most prevalent cancer. (

An article from Medically Reviewed: Research also shows that people with breast cancer who do yoga may feel less stressed, enjoy a better quality of life, and improve feelings of relaxation and well-being.

The study also quotes one “2018 Review Trusted Source” that found that low-intensity forms of yoga, such as gentle Hatha and restorative yoga, are safe and effective for treating some symptoms in cancer patients & survivors. (

Benefits of yoga classes for Breast Cancer Patients & Survivors:

This Yoga Therapy class is tailored for Breast Cancer patients & survivors according to their conditions and mobility. Focusing on improving overall mobility & strength helps in adapting to daily life after treatments, boosting the energy levels and performance of organs, and some postures which will soothe specific symptoms, and are complementary to their rehabilitation program. We also include different pranayama and non-religious meditation practices to help them maintain a calm and peaceful mind to cope with pain and stress management. The practice will be beneficial to students on both physical and mental levels.

Andiappan Yoga Community is invited as the Yoga Partner by Global Chinese Breast Cancer Organizations Alliance (GCBC) to introduce yoga to Breast Cancer Patients & Survivors as a therapeutic and overall physical exercise.

The Global Chinese Breast Cancer Organizations Alliance (GCBC) is a conviction, a pledge, and a vision to connect all Chinese breast cancer patients worldwide to fight the disease together. Since the first GCBC Conference in 2006, the team continues to pursue its mission to promote breast cancer patients support, breast health education, breast cancer knowledge and to strengthen the exchange of information and resources sharing among Chinese breast cancer groups in various regions. They are the only platform that links up all the Chinese breast cancer organizations worldwide with more than 70 member organizations

Who are the students in this project?

This class is open to breast cancer patient/survivor beneficiaries of Global Chinese Breast Cancer Organizations Alliance (GCBC)

Students: Ready to enrol?

If you are interested to attend the class as a student, please kindly contact: Global Chinese Breast Cancer Organizations Alliance (GCBC) at 3595 8678.

Teachers: Interested in volunteering for this project?

Teaching volunteers should have a minimum of 300hrs Yoga Therapy YTT Certificate with International Yoga Academy HK, female teachers are preferred, with availability for a minimum of three month commitment.

Learn more about how to Get Involved as an AYC Volunteer and apply for this project.

據世界衛生組織稱,2020 年,全球有 230 萬婦女被診斷出患有乳癌,68.5 萬人死亡。 截至 2020 年底,在過去 5 年中,有 780 萬名女性被診斷出患有乳癌,使其成為世界上發病率最高的癌症。  (


 研究還引用了 2018 年的一項評論來自Review Trusted Source,低強度的瑜伽形式,如溫和的哈達瑜伽和恢復性瑜伽,對於治療癌症病患者和倖存者的某些症狀,練習瑜伽是安全而有效的。  (



課堂會透過不同的調息技巧和非宗教的正念靜觀練習,以減輕正接受治療患者的恐懼和焦慮。 從溫和的瑜伽式子練習和冥想,有助淋巴疏通,促進手術後復原,亦以協助他們時刻保持放鬆平靜的心態,用更好的方法去管理疼痛和壓力,提升身體上和精神層面上的正面影響,更快速地恢復正常生活。

課程中的練習均由Yogananth Andiappan博士設計及由經過訓練及擁有治療瑜伽認證的高質素瑜伽導師教授。

全球華人乳癌組織聯盟 (華人乳癌聯盟)於2006年由一班乳癌康復者、義工及醫護人員組成。


項目: 瑜伽治療課程-乳癌康復者 (全球華人乳癌組織聯盟)

課程時段: 2022年7月15日開始

時間: 逢星期五 (上 10:00 – 11:00)

地點: 香港九龍荔枝角大南西街609號永義廣場29樓C室

教學語言: 廣東話

義工導師資格:已完成最少300小時[香港國際瑜伽學院治療瑜伽教師培訓課程]之 AYC 義工均可申請參與。

感激你的熱誠和參與,實踐 AYC 的使命,分享瑜伽的恩澤。

已登記為AYC義教者, 您可以申請為本計劃教授瑜伽或協助教學。請完成以下步驟:


點擊「My Profile」,然後選擇「Ongoing Projects」;

找到「Yoga Therapy Class for Breast Cancer Patients & Survivors at

Global Chinese Breast Cancer Organizations Alliance (GCBC)」,然後選擇「I would like to apply」;


如有興趣參加此活動,請致電全球華人乳癌組織聯盟 3595 8678.