Yuli Kustiyah

I start with introduction and ask if there first time join the class or have some pain/injuries. Then we chanting and breathing techniques. After we did standing warm up from head to toe with static pose and dynamic movement. Then begin with classing sun salutation few rep, balancing pose, kneeling pose, seated pose, twisting pose and end with savasana for 8minutes so that can feel the benefits of savasana. I explain/ highlight what the benefits of the pose while we keep practice. I highlighted what muscles is working when we do some pose and also keep reminding the students to not tense the muscles during practice, mean stay relax and smile, to feel the happiness. During savasana I give positive affirmations and always be grateful to our self, family, friends, and God. Then we end with chanting “om shanti shanti shanti” 🙏🏾 peace on me, peace on you and peace to the nature🙏🏾