Yoga Class for Youth with Youth College - Yeo Chei Man (TKO)

Since 26 May 2024

Healthy Growth Yoga

Class Schedule: 28/5 (3:00 – 4:00 pm) 29/5 (4:00 – 5:00 pm) 31/5 (10:00 – 11:00 am) 31/5 (2:30 – 3:30 pm)
Venue: Youth College - Yeo Chei Man (TKO) 11 To Lok Rd, Tseung Kwan O
This is a healthy growth yoga class open to the Youth College - Yeo Chei Man
Class Schedule: 28/5 Tue (3:00 – 4:00 pm) 29/5 Wed (4:00 – 5:00 pm) 31/5 Fri (10:00 – 11:00 am) 31/5 Fri (2:30 – 3:30 pm)
Sharon Wan
accomplished 500-Hours Yoga Teacher Training and 100-Hours Kids Yoga Teacher Training with Anahata Yoga; now wish to serve the community as well as share with everyone - especially the younger generat...
Kinki Mak
Last Updated: 26 May 2024
Project Status: Completed

About this Project:

Youth College offers an interactive learning environment for youths in Hong Kong to acquire hands-on knowledge and skills essential for their future studies and employment. At the Yeo Chei Man Campus, diplomas ranging from image design, business, fitness and sports studies to music and media production, interior and exhibition design, information technology and beauty care are offered. AYC is excited to collaborate with Youth College in offering yoga sessions to support the all-rounded development of youths at the Yeo Chei Man Campus. Through offering a series of energetic and positive yoga classes, we hope to enhance the participants’ self-esteem, improve their body coordination and awareness, and help reduce their daily stress and anxiety.

The details of the project are as follows:

Date and Time:
28/5 (3:00 – 4:00 pm)
29/5 (4:00 – 5:00 pm)
31/5 (10:00 – 11:00am)
31/5 (2:30 – 3:30 pm)

Number of Students: 26

Venue: Youth College – Yeo Chei Man

Address: Venue: 11 To Lok Rd, Tseung Kwan O

Who are the students in this project?

This is a healthy growth yoga class open to the Youth College – Yeo Chei Man

Interested in volunteering for this project?

Learn more about how to Get Involved as an AYC Volunteer and apply for this project.




5月28日 (下午3時至4時)
5月29日 (下午4時至5時)
5月31日 (下午10時至11時)
5月31日 (下午2時30分至3時30分)

學生人數: 26人

地點:青年學院 (邱子文)
